Lessons from Pratt & Whitney Engine Issues

Lessons from Pratt & Whitney Engine Issues

Lead-In: Operational disruptions in the aerospace sector can often be traced back to unaddressed internal concerns. The challenges faced by Pratt & Whitney with their Geared Turbofan engines underscore the need for a robust whistleblower system.

Blog Content: In 2016, Pratt & Whitney faced significant disruptions due to issues with their GTF engines. Employees were reportedly aware of these problems but hesitated to escalate their concerns due to fear of repercussions. A secure, independent whistleblower process could have facilitated early reporting, allowing for timely investigation and mitigation, and ultimately preserving the company’s reputation and customer trust.

Call to Action: Ensure timely issue escalation with ComplyBlu's independent whistleblower solutions. Protect your business reputation and operational integrity. #ComplyBlu #AerospaceCompliance #OperationalExcellence #WhistleblowerProtection